Even if you properly maintain your garage door on a regular basis, the risk of problems is never completely eliminated. The most important thing is to be prepared for difficult situations so that you can resolve them quickly. Find out more about the three worst problems that can affect automatic overhead doors and what kind of solution they require.
Causes, Symptoms and Resolution
The number one spot is taken by a broken spring. No matter whether you have a single torsion spring or a set of extension ones, these components will eventually break. When this happens, there is a loud bang as the force stored inside is released. You can also see the component snapped in two. When a spring is broken, the door cannot and should not be operated either manually or by the opener. This is because there is no sufficient force for the unit to be lifted and the cables may get wrapped around the rollers. The safety risk is high as well. The broken component must be replaced immediately.
Although a snapped cable may not seem like a big issue, it actually is. This is because the unit cannot be safely and reliably operated when this problem is present. Additionally, in many cases the door starts hanging on one side and may go off track. It is also possible for the track to get bent or broken. It is easy to notice a broken cable. You should have it replaced as soon as possible.
Last but not least is the faulty opener motor unit. When the issue is with the motor unit, the device cannot work at all. In the worst case scenario the problem will be due to a faulty motor or circuit board. In this case, having your garage door opener repaired will involve replacement of the respective component. Count on us for the job.